Our Story
The piano has supported the Brooks Family in some way over five generations!
Established in 1980 by Wally & Vivian Brooks, Registered Piano Technicians, Brooks LTD was set up as a means to fulfill the needs of their individual piano rebuilding, tuning and technical businesses.
In recognition of the commitment to the growth of the piano technician and the numerous positions that Wally and Vivian have held on both National and State levels of PTG, they were presented The Golden Hammer award, PTG’s highest honor, in 2006.
As dedicated technicians, their philosophy in business held a clear understanding of the needs of their industry and a commitment to provide quality products and services.
Brooks LTD’s continued commitment to this philosophy under the ownership of Melanie Brooks since 2009, has influenced the relationships we have chosen to make with our suppliers. We have long-standing relationships with each of these companies, now in their second or third generations as family run businesses. This speaks volumes to the stability of Brooks LTD and to our industry.

Brooks LTD’s continued involvement in the Piano Technicians Guild on both the local, state and national levels - acting not only in service but openly sharing our knowledge and understanding of the industry through instruction, consultation and encouragement – continues to build a clientele that is educated, loyal and competent.
Our Brooks LTD Team continues to hold these qualities of innovation, workmanship, service, and a commitment to our relationships with both suppliers and our customers in the highest esteem.